EarthCARE/CPR Project Member Blog

2024.4.10 (JAXA rehearsal)

Preparations for the launch are progressing steadily.
Recently, JAXA rehearsal was took place over two days with all the members involved.

You may be wondering, "Rehearsal?" This is a training exercise that simulates operations during the critical phase of launch, including information communication and human movements.
For the launch of EarthCARE, team members will be stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base in the United States, the launch site, as well as at the faraway ESA in Germany, and also at JAXA in Japan, each with their own set roles and procedures. The members in charge on the day of the launch will gather in separate locations to review the entire process of the launch in chronological order.

...But that's not all. What's more, this rehearsal also includes a "contingency scenario," which is a training exercise that simulates unforeseen circumstances!
Only a limited number of people in charge know the contingency scenarios. During the rehearsal, training participants are informed of things that they had not been informed of in advance, and they have to make decisions on the spot about how to respond appropriately.

Since I didn't have any role to play on launch day, my role was to read the script for the rehearsal. I concentrated hard trying not to laugh at the contingency scenario.

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