EarthCARE/CPR Project Member Blog

2024.4.20 (Field Report)

After the EarthCARE satellite was transported to the Payload Processing Facility (PPF), where launch operations take place, it was finally ready for the final touches before being installed on the launch vehicle.

The first thing to do is a simple functionality check test. This confirmation test is a "health check" (verification of soundness) after the satellite is airlifted from the satellite factory (Airbus) in Germany, and it is exciting as it is the final check before launch!

This test involves connecting power to each piece of equipment on the EarthCARE satellite and inputting electrical signals (called commands) to check the operating status (called telemetry) of each piece of equipment. Satellites have two systems of onboard equipment called a primary system and a secondary system. The primary system operates normally, but if there is a problem with the primary system, operations will switch to the secondary system.

A functionality check of the entire secondary system was conducted on April 18th, and a functionality check of the entire primary system was conducted on April 19th, and both were completed without any problems. We checked remotely from a room called the check-out room, and of course, we were able to confirm that CPR was okay!

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