EarthCARE/CPR Project Member Blog

2024.5.8 (Field Report)

Following on from yesterday, we are now participating in a simulation campaign (training) at ESOC (European Space Operations Centre) in preparation for launch and operations.
Today, we conducted operational training for the initial operation phase of the onboard sensors, including CPR after the end of the critical operation period.

CPR implemented procedures after equipment startup in accordance with the actual timeline, and also confirmed procedures including on-site voice communication in accordance with the actual personnel deployment.
Although it took longer than initially expected and some areas for improvement were identified, it was a very meaningful opportunity in preparation for the actual event.

Tomorrow (May 9th) is a national holiday (Ascension Day, or Christi Himmelfahrt) in Germany, so the ESA/Airbus members were in high spirits as they headed home.
The simulation campaign at ESOC ends today, and the next event will be the actual launch!

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