EarthCARE/CPR Project Member Blog

2024.5.23 (VSFB Field Report)

Today, we worked to place the EarthCARE satellite inside the Falcon 9 fairing (the part at the tip of the rocket that houses the satellite).

This procedure will ensure that the EarthCARE satellite is in the same condition as when it is launched into space.
This will be a big step forward toward the launch, so all of us in the project feel extremely tense.

This operation also marked the last time we would be able to see the EarthCARE satellite.
If the launch is successful, the next time the satellite will leave the fairing will be when the fairing separates in space.
The EarthCARE satellite had been designed, manufactured, assembled, and had overcome numerous tests. As we worked to store it away, we cheered each other on in our hearts, hoping that it would be launched safely into space and then complete its mission without incident.

After tomorrow, the fairing and the EarthCARE satellite will be loaded onto the rocket and taken to the launch pad for launch.
Important work remains to be done, but we intend to approach it carefully and with care.

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