EarthCARE/CPR Project Member Blog

2024.5.27 (VSFB Field Report)

Today, we were able to confirm that both the rocket and the satellite are fully prepared.

The launch is finally tomorrow!!

In the evening, I was able to see the final spectacle with my very own eyes at the firing point.
It was just in time for it to come out of the hangar! It was so cool!
It's a shame I wasn't able to take any photos, but the moment is firmly burned into my mind.

Although it is still lying on its side, the first and second stage rocket and the fairing (with Earthcare inside) have been combined to form the completed Falcon 9.
I witnessed the entire move from the hangar to the launch pad.
It will now launch vertically and fly into space.

At last we made it this far!!!

Everyone was saying "Do your best!" as their final words (and thoughts) to both the rocket and the satellite.

Tomorrow we will be wearing the clothes in the photo and ready for the launch!
How will you feel after the launch?

Go! EarthCARE!

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