EarthCARE/CPR Project Member Blog

2024.5.28 (ESOC Field Report) Launch Event

The ESA-sponsored launch event began at 9:45 p.m. (local time), liftoff occurred at 12:20 a.m. on the 29th, and signal reception was confirmed at 1:10 a.m., making the launch a success.

At the event, JAXA Executive Director Takiguchi, JAXA Advisor Terada, and NICT Director Kawamura took to the stage.
At the launch, everyone in the venue watched with bated breath, and there were particularly loud cheers when the satellite was separated.

To commemorate the successful launch of the satellite, a special menu was available in the ESOC cafeteria for the next two days. Although tension continues as the satellite begins to operate, everyone enjoyed a meal to celebrate the successful launch and regain their energy for the MREF deployment.

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