Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Kazuya Konoue

Associate Senior Researcher

I want EarthCARE to use its abilities to the fullest!

Job description

As the person in charge of preparing for CPR's on-orbit operations, I am in charge of establishing the initial operational structure after launch. I also witnessed the installation of the CPR onto the satellite and the thermal vacuum test of the satellite system after installation, and evaluated the condition of the CPR.

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

I became involved in this project when the CPR development was almost complete. When I was in the previous project, I was seated next to the CPR project team, so I really feel that this project has overcome many hardships, and it is very moving to finally be launching! We hope that the spacecraft will continue to make thorough preparations during the remaining time and provide us with excellent observational data.