Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Kenta Maruyama

Function Manager

We would be happy if you could support our "Buddy" activities!

Job description

I have been mainly responsible for testing CPR at the stand-alone level after its manufacture, as well as the assembly onto the satellite body and testing of the entire satellite body, and have been responsible for checking test preparations, overseeing on-site testing, and evaluating post-test data.

From a project management perspective, I am also in charge of budget management and procurement management, so I have coordinated and cooperated with various people involved in the project, securing the necessary budget for the project and signing contracts with manufacturers to carry out the necessary work.

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

I think this project has faced many difficulties. CPR has been with me for about 10 years. At times, it has been like a child throwing a tantrum, causing development to halt, and at other times, it has been like a teacher, giving me challenges and hurdles that help me grow. At other times, it has been like a strong colleague, helping me overcome countless difficulties. To me, it is truly something I can call a "Buddy."

Now that all development is complete, we can only pray for a successful launch, but we also hope that this "Buddy" that has overcome many obstacles will provide us with useful data from space to help solve the issues and problems we face here on Earth!