Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Hirotaka Nakatsuka

Associate Senior Engineer

Every cloud has a silver lining...that's what I told myself for the past 17 years!

Job description

I have been in charge of system development, designing, developing and testing the entire cloud radar system in the EarthCARE/CPR Project Team. I am also in charge of evaluating system performance., Currently I am making preparations for on-orbit operation after launch and on-orbit performance evaluation.

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

Every cloud has a silver lining - This is one of my favorite English proverbs that I've come across over the years of working with ESA.

I have been involved in this project for 17 years, since the pre-project days in 2007, and it has had many twists and turns, just like raising a child. My fondest memory is resolving the technical issues surrounding the High Power Transmitter , which is the key to the cloud radar. Developing the high-voltage power supply involved a series of hardships and troubleshooting. Because it was made overseas, I had to commute back and forth between Japan and Europe for many years, and I learned all too well that it takes more than just ordinary effort to raise a child to be fully grown. But if you keep trying, one day it will pay off. EarthCARE/CPR, which has been nurtured with great care, is finally seeing the light of day. I can't wait to see it leave my hands and go to work high in the clouds.