Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Tomomi Nio

Mission Manager

Please look forward to the satellite observations, data processing and provision, and research results of the four siblings.

Job description

As the EarthCARE satellite is a cooperative mission with the European Space Agency (ESA), operation of the onboard instruments, data processing, and provision of data to researchers will also be carried out in cooperation with Japan and Europe. We work with ESA to develop systems related to these operations and data utilization, as well as to coordinate with users, and are responsible for overall coordination of operations. In particular, we are leading the preparation of thorough systems and mechanisms, training, etc., to ensure smooth operations and mission success.

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

From a very early stage in the project's launch, I have been involved for a long time in the development of ground systems, such as data processing for this mission, and in adjusting the ESA interface. So it is like the feelings of a mother waiting for her children, specifically quadruplets, to be born. I can't wait to see the real data from each of the four satellite sensors! I want to work with researchers to elucidate unknown physical processes related to climate change predictions from observational data! And I'm looking forward to the birth and growth of my sons (I think CPR is a boy!?). Please look forward to the satellite observations, data processing and provision, and research results from the four EarthCARE siblings.