Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Toshiyuki Tanaka

CPR Validation Researcher

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Job description

I am in charge of product validation. EarthCARE measures various physical quantities related to clouds and aerosols by combining four types of sensors and provides them as data products. However, if the product offered isn’t accurate, it’s worthless. In product validation, the accuracy of EarthCARE products will be quantitatively evaluated by comparing them with data obtained through ground-based and aircraft observations. This ensures the reliability of the product. Furthermore, this accuracy information plays an important role when using EarthCARE products for weather forecasting, etc.

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

Through participating in academic conferences and other activities, I have come to feel firsthand the expectations that scientists around the world have for EarthCARE. I am proud to be a part of this international collaborative project, and will do my best to contribute to the success of this mission! I want more people to know about EarthCARE, so I am introducing it on our YouTube team "Sate Life"!