Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Eiichi Tomita

project manager

We want to send EarthCARE/CPR into space where it can play roles reliably

Job description

I have been the project manager since February 2013.

A project is a task that aims to achieve a mission goal under various constraints. In this context, the role of the project manager is to always show the goal to aim for and to keep an eye on the overall picture. Then, we look at the overall picture and if there are any problems, we solve them and then aim for our goal again. In addition to technical issues, issues such as how to safely carry out activities in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic have also arisen that need to be resolved.

Furthermore, the EarthCARE/CPR project is a Japan-Europe cooperation project that requires close collaboration with European teams as well as teams from relevant institutions in Japan. Naturally, these relationships are included in the overall picture. I look at things from a different angle, solve any problems that arise, and build stronger cooperation to achieve our goals.

As I write this, I realize that I am a bit like a tour conductor, who gets his guests to their destination without any problems.

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

Changes in the global environment are already occurring. We must adapt to changes, predict them appropriately, and take appropriate action to ensure that people can continue to lead happy lives. EarthCARE is a key mission to achieve this.

Towards this important goal, many people in Japan, Europe and elsewhere have worked hard to make EarthCARE a reality. I would like to ensure that this very important mission is a success. That's what I'm thinking about right now.