Introducing EarthCARE/CPR project members

Nobuhiro Tomiyama

Associate Senior Researcher

We want to ensure that EarthCARE data reaches you!

Job description

In charge of utilization promotion, science I/F, ground system I/F

Thoughts on EarthCARE/CPR

I have been involved in the EarthCARE/CPR project since 2015. Until then, I had been working with data from synthetic aperture radar, which observes the earth's surface by penetrating clouds, so clouds were something I tended to ignore. However, among the same microwave radars, with the main target of CPR is exactly clouds, and I remember being intrigued by this gap when I first took up my post, and feeling excited as I began my work.

In this project, I am mainly in charge of the operational aspects, so a major part of my role is important after the satellite is launched into orbit. First of all, I will do our best to smoothly complete the initial functional checks and initial calibration verification after launch so that we can deliver valuable CPR data to everyone.